Hip Hip Hurrah!

Welcome to my new website! It was designed by my eldest son Andrew, who spent many hours building a site possible for me to maintain. Much time went into setting up a photography system, as well, and producing beautiful photos for you to enjoy. Support from my family allows me time to paint, teach and attend fall festivals.

Festival Display

Scandinavian Fair in Bellingham, Nordic Fest on Whidbey and Yulefest in Ballard kept us busy three weekends in November. My daughter Maria joined me in Bellingham to market gift wrap that you can view in the gallery. Emma, my youngest daughter manned the gift wrap display on Whidbey. With these dazzling designs, we enhanced our rosemaling display and doubled its size. Cards and gift wrap may be purchased at scandinaviandesigngiftwrap.com.  Yulefest was a compilation of nine Western Rosemalers’ work in a wide variety of styles, all in one place!  A highlight of Scandinavian festival season for me is watching students realize they can sell their work.  Seeing familiar faces and dressing up in a bunad is also a special treat.

Stay tuned for rosemaling tips. Also, watch my apprentice Maria’s progress painting a large Red-Embroidery style plate commissioned by the Iversens at Nordic Fest.

Hip, Hip, Hurrah !


1 Response to "Hip Hip Hurrah!"

  1. A lovely web site. It reflects a life of skill, talent, and personal beauty. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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